
We express gratitude for choosing for your needs. When you visit, browse or use and associated program interfaces or mobile applications (Qwidex platform) you automatically accept terms of our (“Privacy policy”). /p>

We highly recommend to have a look at the terms and conditions.

The current privacy policy says how Qwidex controls your personal data (as defined below) which we collect and process in order to give an access to services via Qwidex platform including any technologies, products and/or functions available on Qwidex platform (“Services”).

To comply with the laws of our jurisdiction and to improve the quality of our Services we should collect and store your personal data. We strongly protect your personal data from disclosure to the third parties except for our partners and in the particular instances as defined below.

Draw attention to the privacy policy that may be updated any time and the changes will come into effect immediately after publishing the new version on Qwidex platform specifying the date of these changes.

Digital asset definition

For purposes of the privacy policy the term “Digital asset” refers to such concepts as “virtual currency exchange”, “cryptocurrency” or “digital goods”, the examples of which are Bitcoin or Ethereum. These assets operate on the basis of cryptographic protocols in computer networks which may be (i) centralized or decentralized, (ii) closed or with open code (iii) used as an exchange and/or storage facilities.

Personal data definition

“The personal data” used in the privacy policy means any info, referring to the identifying individual including, among other things, name, identification number, user name, location data, online-identificators or any other data referring to physical, economic, cultural or social aspects of the personality.


Qwidex intensively collects, processes and stores the personal data provided when using our services or when you give consent to the personal data processing. This data includes your contact data, documents scans identifying your personality, open sources data, unique state number as well as info on your device and connection to the Internet, for instance IP- and MAC-addresses.

When registering on the Qwidex platform we collect data provided by you. This process may be fully completed, partially completed or uncompleted at all. Within the framework of providing the services to the residents of different countries we process your personal data in the strict compliance with the international law and local laws on the data protection. To get the additional info on protection of data received from individuals and private companies, see details below.

Natural person info:
  • E-mail
  • Mobile
  • Full name
  • Home country
  • User name (Login)
  • City

Qwidex uses your personal data to provide the communication, administering the services, their improving and personalization. We may also use this data for developing the collective statistics for our goals including offers on other products and services from Qwidex and our partners. Your data will not be transferred to the third parties without your consent except for the specified cases.

Your personal data will be transferred to the third parties in the following cases:

If necessary for compliance with the service conditions;

Comply with the applied laws and rules in the corresponding jurisdictions;

Our service providers including, among other things, payment systems, bank partners, data storage providers, CRM systems and other services which relieve the providing of your services according to the law requirements and professional standards, for instance, customers, analytics, IT, data processing, network infrastructure, storage and tax reporting.

Companies of our corporate group including subsidiary and holding companies, their subcontractors, partners, affiliates or agents;

In case of Qwidex corporate operations, such as financing, merging, absorbing or dissolution which include the data transfer on business or assets.

Professional advisors including juridical and accounting companies to perform the audit or meet our responsibilities.

We are also committed to the international standards for anti-money laundering, financing of terrorism and avoidance of sanctions, we are ready to implement the corresponding laws and rules of the digital assets when they become obligatory ones. This may include comprehensive thorough inspection of our customers using data from the third parties and service providers for the comparison of your data.


The personal data received from you may be transferred and stored beyond Australia. Besides, this data may be processed by the affiliates beyond Australia acting on behalf of us or our partners. By providing your data you give consent to this data transfer, storage and processing. All info provided by you is on the protected cloudy servers owned by us or our partners.


Within the framework of services Qwidex may share the current company news, special offers and info on our products and services. To improve our marketing strategies and advertising campaigns we are able to send your personal data to our partners. By accepting our privacy policy and using Qwidex services you agree with receiving such notifications.

You are able to refuse from such advertising messages any time using the link for subscription refusal provided in each advertising message.

However, some types of the notifications, for instance, regarding to updating the terms of use, politics, surveys and critical up-to-date info, do not allow to refuse.


You may request for the copy of your personal data and check if your info is actual and correct. If you find any inaccuracies in your personal data you are able to initiate the data update process. Besides you are able to remove your personal data. However, in some cases, your request for removal may be declined according to the reasons regarding to compliance with the law requirements or following legitimate objectives. For the request, correction or removal of data you should contact us by e-mail by specifying “REQUEST FOR DATA” in the subject line.

When processing your request for access, correction and removal of data we will check the personality of the requesting person in order to guarantee one’s right for this. Even though we tend to process such requests without charging any fees we reserve the right for the reasonable charging if your request is multiple or demands sufficient efforts for the fulfillment.


When you access Qwidex, we may implement standard practice for use of cookie files which are small pieces of data stored by your internet-browser. These files may be located both on your PC and other devices from which we access the Qwidex. This info is critical for your identification as a user and collecting data on your cooperation with Qwidex that allows us to improve our services and increase their quality. Besides, this data is used for fulfillment of our compliance standards and detection of any unusual or suspicious activity in your account for its protection.

The majority of internet-browsers accepts cookie files by default. There are cookie files which are removed when finalizing the session as well as cookie files which remain on your devices until they will be deleted manually or their validity period expires. The refusal from our cookie files may limit operability or usability features of our services.


Our priority is providing Qwidex security and protection of users from the unauthorized access, changes, disclosure or destruction of their personal data. To achieve this goal, we use multi-level security measures including SSL-encryption for protection of communications on Qwidex, requirement for two-phase checking for access to the accounts as well as regular analysis of our procedures of the data storage and processing. We also limit the access to personal data only to the affiliates and partners who access to perform their professional duties and to which the strict privacy agreements are applied.


If you have any issues regarding this privacy policy or using your personal data you should send us an e-mail with “REQUEST FOR PRIVACY” subject.


We may update this privacy policy any time by publishing the corrected version on the Qwidex platform and specifying the date of becoming effective the updated version, and therefore we recommend you to frequently check the available updates and changes. By accessing the Platform and/or Qwidex services or using them, you confirm that you understand and agree to comply with such changes in this privacy policy.


This privacy policy may be published in different languages. In case of any irregularities the English version is prevailing.